.. _install: ############# Install DIRTY ############# Code ==== Start with downloading the latest release of the code from `DIRTY releases `_. The latest development version can be obtained from the `github repository `_ instead, but note that your mileage may vary with this version. DIRTY uses the cfitsio library for FITS I/O. This may already be installed on your system, but maybe not. It can be installed locally, but make sure to set up `pkg-config` or run `./configure --with-cfitsio[=PATH]` appropriately so that the cfitsio library can be found during compilation. Run make in the DIRTY directory to generate the `dirty` executable. Dependencies ============ Conda ----- .. code:: conda create -n dirty -c conda-forge autoconf automake cfitsio compilers pkgconfig sphinx conda activate dirty Debian/Ubuntu ------------- .. code:: apt install build-essential libcfitsio-dev pkg-config python-sphinx RHEL/CentOS 7 ------------- .. code:: yum install epel-release yum install autoconf automake cfitsio-devel gcc-g++ pkg-config python3-sphinx RHEL/CentOS 8+/Fedora --------------------- Appstream and EPEL lack the `python3-sphinx` package (broken?). Use a virtualenv to supplement the missing compile-time dependency. .. code:: dnf install epel-release dnf install autoconf automake cfitsio-devel gcc-g++ pkg-config python3 python3 -mvenv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install sphinx Installation (Release) ====================== .. code:: git clone https://github.com/karllark/DIRTY_dustrt cd DIRTY_dustrt git tag -l -n git checkout [tag] ./bootstrap ./configure --prefix=$HOME/programs/dirty make make install export PATH=$HOME/programs/dirty/bin:$PATH Installation (Development) ========================== .. code:: git clone https://github.com/karllark/DIRTY_dustrt cd DIRTY_dustrt ./bootstrap ./configure --enable-debug make Dust Grain Info =============== The associated dust grain files can be found at XXXXX.