### SED ### This sections starts with **[SED]** If this section does not exist or has no content, then no SED is used. **type=bb_file [bb_file, ssp_file]** The type of file blackbody (bb) or singe stellar population (ssp_file). **sed_file=filename [any valid filename]** The SED is usually contained in an ASCII file. The type and name of the file A bb_file is a file containing the SED of a black body. This is an ASCII file containing wavelength [microns] and luminosities [ergs/s/Hz]. Such a file can be created using the IDL program generate_blackbody_input.pro located in the pro subdirectory. A ssp_file is a file containing the SED of a single stellar population. This is an ASCII file containing wavelength [microns] and luminosities [log(ergs/s/Hz)]. These files are usually generated from population synthesis models. The scaling of this SED is given by: **sfr_or_mass=1.0 [0,1e20]** where a SFR is given for a burst population and a mass is given for constant star formation. Note that the PEGASE models that have been used with DIRTY have a burst SFRs normalized to 5e-10 solar masses. The constant SFR PEGASE models are normalized to 1 solar mass/year. [need to check if this is right].